Proper Use of the Ellipses
For years writers have crafted sentences, molded paragraphs, and constructed pieces with the help of the ellipsis. In this article, we’ll explore where it’s most commonly used in addition to proper use...
View Article5 Common Grammar Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)
From casual writers to those who make writing a profession, grammar mistakes are something that every writer wants to avoid. Unless you are an expert, you will slip up now and then. However, being...
View ArticleUse Evernote to Organize Your Writing
Wouldn’t it be great to have a way to record those blog post ideas that pop up in your mind while walking through the grocery store? Or that dream that would make a great story line, if only you could...
View ArticleAuthor, Edit Thyself
(Image credit: Fotolia) Words can feel like precious stones to a writer. Each word is priceless and they do not want to part with them under any circumstances. It can turn editing into a chore for a...
View ArticleA Collection of Painful Grammar Blunders
Have you ever embarrassed yourself in public? For a writer, grammar mistakes are among the worst to encounter. Behold: Improved, but not there yet. It’s too bad I don’t like the price. Still trying to...
View ArticleMore Useful Apps and Websites for Writers
Writers love solitude or so I’m told, but when you’re on the move to the latest Starbucks, you need apps for on the go–apps for writers. Whatever your writing style, a writer never stops writing,...
View ArticleEasy Method to Catch Mistakes in Your Writing-Read It Aloud!
Before we had writing, there was just the human voice. As people developed alphabets, paper, computers and the means to mass-produce reading materials, we began to focus on reading the printed word...
View ArticleThe Rise of Ebooks
(Image credit: Fotolia) Reading an ebook was once a novelty that many people shied away from. However, with the creation of hand-held ebook readers, the face of publishing has drastically changed and...
View ArticleWhy You Need a Professional Editor, Not a Friend, to Review Your Work
Every writer needs an editor. Period. End of story. It doesn’t matter if you’re self-publishing or writing ebooks that can be corrected later. Your work is not perfect and can always be improved....
View Article7 Ways to Protect Your Manuscript before Publication
If you produce an original piece of written material (whether it be fiction, nonfiction book, song, movie script, etc.), your first task should be to protect it. The good news is that most countries...
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